User Personas

Design / Illustration
Client: Addepar
Copy & Strategy: Jason Rintz
Mograph: Josh Baron
Project manager: David L.
AD: Katie Mentus
Associate Designer: Nick D'Amico
Addepar is a wealth management platform with a variety of users who, although might work within the same organization, use the software in different ways.

The company wanted a better way to talk and think about the people who use the product. The research showed that there are generally seven different roles or ways people interact with the software. To help humanize and give an identity to these personas, we decided that it made sense to make an avatar for each.


One thing we felt was important was to avoid stereotypes yet to have one character to represent each persona for the sake of consistency. In order to achieve this we went with an abstract and loose illustration style that still fit within the tone of the brand. We needed our employees to understand our clients and to empathize with them.


Each persona has its own avatar and its own color assigned to it. By leaning on abstraction we were able to use distinct illustrations of people without being too specific about age, sex, or race. We also relied on rounded organic shapes to give the persona’s a gentle human vibe.

We broke down each persona's alternate titles, goals, responsibilities, challenges, and workflows for easy reference.

4/7 personas

Animated gifs were created to be used on slack and in the emails that gave details leading up to the event.

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