Hackathon Campaign

Design / Illustration / Brand
Client: Addepar
Copy & Strategy: Jason Rintz
Mograph: Josh Baron
Project manager: David L.
AD: Katie Mentus
Associate Designer: Nick D'Amico

The Hackathon is a time of year where the employees are encouraged to loosen up, be creative, and quickly produce a self driven project. The 2 days/nights of work can be demanding but are also meant to be fun and the work produced often reflects that. The final result is a combination of bizarre hacked together projects with impressive and practical features.


The concept hangs on playful meets haste which is the vibe that runs through the entire event. It was also important that the visuals be eye-catching in the office to better raise awareness and excitement.


The identity uses scrambled iconic cartoon characters and bright colors as a way to convey the playful and creative tone, while using simple typography to balance out the design.

Animated gifs were created to be used on slack and in the emails that gave details leading up to the event.

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